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Kush Guy

Kush Guy

I have appreciation for the kush guy, these kushs tilt the meter, ding ding ding.
I like lumpy buds,  I break up a bud of the OG Kush and see layers of swollen pods arranged and stacked only the way nature can, in a style particular to indica plant, and smothered in crystal. Given time to fully mature and fruit as nature does when given opportunity by the nurseryman. Harvest time for the best bud is determined by sight, smell and touch, not by a calendar. But it doesn't stop there, the plant has to be properly harvested, trimmed, and most importantly, cured correctly. The kush guy knows curing is just as critical to a great season as the growing. Again the experienced touch is required with time, patience, and attention. This is the only way to make great buds - hard work and attention to detail.   Three Cheers! Harett. :))


Buhd Virdy

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