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A.P. E. Mushrooms

A.P.E Psilocybin Mushrooms

JackFrost 1500x750 

A.P. E. - Albino Penis Envy This mushroom is a hybrid of the infamous Penis Envy and Albino PF, and is extremely potent. Very high Quality Mushrooms! Effects include vivid visual stimulation, intense feelings of euphoria, uncontrollable laughter, and joy, along with periods of deep introspective and philosophical thought.


APE is a pale-capped sub-variety of Penis Envy, reputedly one of the most powerful varieties of P. cubensis—and rumored to have been discovered in South America by well-known author, Terrence McKenna. It can be difficult to grow and is therefore rare, but APE is popular among those entheogen users who can get it. The Albino Penis Envy shroom is extremely potent. This is caused by a few things. First, the Albino takes longer than other species in the Psilocybe Cubensis family to grow. This longer growth period ultimately translates to more production of the hallucinogenic compound of psilocybin. Secondly, the albinism in this species of shrooms causes a higher level of potency. This strain may cause many positive effects such as beautiful visual hallucinations, enhanced mood, and creativity, decreased levels of stress, increased appreciation for art and music, a sense of overall content and happiness, introspection, and more. They will likely also cause some physiological effects such as pupil dilation, a change in heart rate and blood pressure, and more. Although these effects are prevalent among almost all species of magic mushrooms, it typically takes a much smaller dose for them to be experienced with these mushrooms since it is an especially potent strain. 

Bitcoin/Litecoin:           1/4 oz ($80.00) |  1/2 oz ($120.00) | 1 oz ($210.00)  | 2 oz ($390.00)
Amazon/Visa Giftcard: 1/4 oz ($95.00) |  1/2 oz ($145.00) | 1 oz ($250.00)  | 2 oz ($465.00)

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