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New Buds and Pictures

New strains - Cannabis Candy 

Here is the list of the strains from my buddy that breeds and creates new strains. These are all great strains with lots of trichromes. I am working on articles for each strain.

#19 - 87 Limepop x Cherry Pie/88G13 X San Lorenzo Kush
19JailBSanLo 21500x750

#29 - Black Lotus Kush/87 Limepop X Triangle Kush/88 G-13 Hashplant

#34 - Yaeger/Cherry Chem x Triangle Kush/88G13 X Cherry Pie/88G13x87 Limepop
34YaegerJailb2 1500x750

#55 - Paki/Firewalker X Cluster Funk/4 Way
55PakiClustr2 1500x750

#65 Black Lotus Kush X Triangle Kush/88 G13 Hashplant
65BlkLotusTriK2 1500x750

#68 Yaeger/Cherry Chem X Triangle Kush/88G13 Hashplant
68.Yaeger2 1500x750



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